18 / April / 2017 13:35

Iran to deploy 20k special police forces on Election Day

EghtesadOnline: Twenty thousand Iranian special police forces will be providing security on the day of the presidential election in Iran, a police commander has announced.

News ID: 775550

Hossein Karami, the commander of the Special Units of the Iranian Police Force, said on Monday that efforts had long been underway to ensure that the May 19 polls would be held in an “atmosphere of security and order.”

To that end, 20,000 special police forces would be deployed across the country within the framework of the Zafar Operational Base on Election Day, according to Karami.

According to PressTV, he said the Base’s capacity in terms of personnel and matériel had been expanded threefold as part of the efforts to provide security on Election Day.

Iran will be holding its 12th presidential election on May 19. Elections for the 5th City and Village Councils will also be held on the same day.

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